How do you write? What inspires you? Do you have to be alone? Do you write in the middle of the night? Are you an early bird? I want to know what the writing process is for you? Fascinate me by telling me how the words come to you! I know you have a story! We all do! Let's make it interesting and do it in a poem! Of course, that's just a preference, anything you're comfortable with. I just want to know your creative process. I will do one too! Don't forget to tag me! At least 50 words!
Write Time, Write Space
Through every endeavor,
I carry my life.
A heavy subject matter,
but I don't mind.
I toil over these words, this lump of clay
molding it according to my vision.
Material is perpetually at hand.
I borrow tools to help me fashion it.
Imagination is never in short supply;
read and it will come.
When it rains it pours;
when its not pouring it puddles on the ground.
The hard part of being a writer
isn't finding inspiration.
It's catching a flood of words
with my butterfly net of a mind.