Noxious Emotions
Hiding behind the shadow my smile created
I cry.
As my tears leak into my blood stream
The lump I'm my throat thickens and uncomfortable thoughts begin to flood my imagination.
Breath I beg myself.
But I can't.
I feel as if I am submerged in a heavy layer of smog.
Although my beautiful smile is still valid
And my hugs are tight,
The storm in my heart turns my blood cold.
In a room full of people I feel alone, drowning in confusion.
When left in an empty space
I feel chills down my spine
Little did I know the devil crept up behind
Digging his nails in my back,
he whispers in my ear
Eyes closed. Smile still pasted.
I take a step forward
At the last minute I hesitate.
I was able to catch the edge
Barley holding on
I try to pull myself up but my grip begins to weaken.
Next thing I know I'm surrounded by darkness.
Quickly I realize
I no longer exist.