siren songs
At the beach again
My second home
The sun is rising gently
Yet something feels close
I don’t know what it is
So I look towards the sea
And see something magical
It seems like it’d be
A goddess, or a sign
Like a star that's fallen
So, I walk over to it
It lays there sullen
It opens its mouth
The most beautiful song
The siren calls me over
My conscience tells me to run
I get closer to it
Half fish, half man
Teeth as long and sharp
As razors, and
Its nails are like rusty ones
Bloody from its prey
It issues me over
I walk its way
It tells me to come closer
It has something to say
I’m inches from its face
And it starts to play
A song out of nothing
It grabs my neck
I grab its wrist
Im trying to check
Am i gonna make it
I get dragged into the sea
The sunrise and bubbles
Are the last things I see