Live, Life, & Dream
In today’s society I believe more than half of the people on this planet aren’t doing what they really want to do. Some might disagree and yell out: “I get money!” but if you do have a nice job that pays well by all means keep making that money. What if money didn’t exist though? Would you still want to be working at your job? Think about it. What I think messes up people’s lives the most is giving up on your dreams, what I mean by this is that people give up on what they believe in and forget they were born to be great. This becomes a real problem because when people stop pursuing their dreams they end up short cutting themselves and buy whatever society sells to them. How long do you plan to work at that 9 to 5 job? See, the difference between a job and a career is that with a career you’re actually interested in the work you do, with a job you’re only interest is what you get for the work you do. I understand you need a job just to survive in this place and time, right? But also remember that you live in this here place and time so start living and not just surviving because anyone would agree it would be better to live to survive and not survive to live. Still most people don’t work on the dream they built because of fear. They feel that what they do might fail or if they do succeed they fear that’ll might not be able to manage it all. If you believe in yourself nothing and nobody can stop you, you’re not doing this for them, but for yourself only. This is your life so do what you love and do it often and if you simple don’t like something about it, change it. If you don’t like your job then quit it, there are plenty other ways to make a living and if you don’t have enough time in the day turn off the television and make time. Some opportunities only come once so if you see it take it, when none are presentable make one yourself. Just never stop moving toward that goal. Remember life is short, your dream isn't.