the rightful thing to do?
Long before man , animals knew to be cautious. They are not as foolish as we may think, and, truly, of the animals that walk around upon this world, only those poisoned by man's gentle caresses, into obedience have lost the ability to see dangers ahead.
existence is hard and full of risks, but against this, is set s strong sense of self preservation and distrust in all animals of the natural world. it is then stands to reason that when a wild animal does something particularly unwise, say, jumping into a tarpit, they do so for a reason. it is either that they expect a remarkable payoff that is worth the risk. OR that they no longer wish to continue their lives. this is not to say that misfortune, disease or predition befalls every animal at long last, but that to surmise their gullibility is a great ignorance.
and so, we come to plastics. that beautiful treasure which we produce lovingly, forming endless strands monomers into lengthy chains of replication. all supplied with a feedstock of raw petroleum, which we carefully dredge at great care and solemnity.
we are ever mindful and venerate the greare processes that brought this petroleum to be. yey, we care and cherish those ancient organisms, who subdued themselves in suboceanic depths. oh those fallen organisms, that were duly crushed in pressure and heat, and untouched by spoilage. oh how we are grateful to that ancient calamity, that provided us with such a bounty of ready compounds. of phenols, and vynils, of esters, and benzoids. we take those singular units, and refine them, distill them one from the other. what joy brims the heart as we add polymerising catalyst and needful conditions and see those lonely monomers join harmoniously with their brethern. and this thermoplastic solid, we can rapturously shape into things of great use: butter churners, and irrigation tubes. knowing both the great cost and the profound history, we are never wasteful with our polymers. which is why that they are carefully confined in locality, and never disbursed recklessly.
and yet animals seem to eat this sturdy product of our ingenuity! items that are carefully put away, are consumed with great relish, by members of all the mobile phylums.
while the theivery of animals is well known, its reasons still prove obscure.
however the resaults are not: plastics of many sort are indigestable! it is a material blessed with many qualities but nutrition is not one of them. plastic items once swallowed, may cause terrible injury with jagged edges, or remain stuck within, lodged dangerously in the length of the intestinal tract. the result is iften found; an untimly death.
which brings the question why? why would the animals, eat that which they know will be their doom?
to this i say: it is their sense of responsibility!
i don't know if you noticed, but in recent years, there has been some creeping change in the climate. a "climate change" the seasons seem more unpredictable, and the summers hotter. storms are more violent and frequent while other places are left parched dry like never before. and what is the cause of this change?
the animals!!
all those years, shreiking above the waves, the seagulls festooned the rocks.
all those years the turtles disturbed the sandbars with their incessant egg laying!
oh, and those fish polluting the waters, straining the fauna in all direction with the oderous excretia.
they all know, too well the vast part they played in this drama. and see clearly how their repugnant actions have made the world so vile.
and then many, burdened by guilt, or the prospect of the vast changes, have decided to put an end to things.
it is because of that, that they willfully take the polystyrene, as Socrates took the hemlock, and end their misery.