Shed Your Skin
Think of a time in your life when you noticed your turning point from teenage hood to adulthood. This isn’t limited to 18 plus only. Some people grow up young and some grow up when they’re older. Neither is bad, so reference the transition age when you “shedded” that skin. What might you do with that skin you no longer wear? Do you dispose of it, tuck it away in a keepsake or pretend it never existed? The possibility is endless, show me what you do with that ‘skin,’ in ANY format.
my skin was battered and bruised
I kept it on as long as I could
scared to reveal what was underneath
for fear of finding something worse
one day I was struck
my skin tore
I picked at the wound
pulled back the edges
what i saw was not only beautiful
but terrifying
I stitched myself up
an attempt to keep my outside together
after poking and prodding
mending and repairing
it all fell apart
I had shed my skin
and stored it away to look back on
today I disposed of it
for I no longer need it