Big Things Coming Soon
For context, I was going to recite this for a post to my instagram. But it's kind of fitting that I never did and probably never will.
Sometimes I want to be that person
The "big things coming soon" person
As if to say I am important
As if you're all waiting to see what great things I am up to
Sometimes I want to be that person
Who tells stories from the heart
A short transmission, like breaking news
Straight into your tiny screen
Maybe I play some trendy song
To go along with these words I'm trying to speak
But really,
I know you guys don't care
All these followers that are following me
None of you really expect anything it seems
And that's great I suppose
But sometimes I crave the attention
I have lived vicariously through my own tiny little screen
But I want to make my own name now
Historically, as I'm sure you're unaware
I do my bi annual photo dump to remind you that I'm still alive
But aside from that
I'm just a person who's easily forgettable
I'm that person you might run into at the shops and think
Oh, wow, she's still here, just existing..
Just wasting her potential
So I suppose this - well this - is me saying
Yes, I am alive.
And yes I have been wasting time
But hopefully,
Yknow, just maybe
There'll be "big things coming soon"