am I merely caught
- stuck -
longing to see
sights that capture me
yet I’ve become the hermit
trapped in my house
is it fear that keeps me here?
fear that I will once again
find friends that I love
that are no friends at all
instead I protect myself
within a place that’s safe
but instead of enjoying
flowers I grew myself
I twiddle my thumbs
scrolling the endless loop
trying to not feel empty
I crave the connection
and the motivation
spurned by something
other than my work ethic
but I’m too scared
to step outside
the safety of these walls
I quiet my soul’s call
numb the feelings as they drawl
stand up, try not to fall
do we feel this one and all?
empty caverns, feeling small
loneliness is what befalls
yet we still try to stand so tall
no, we’re fine.
not lonely at all.