The clouds
I have risen from the ash
dusting myself off to start
scrubbing the nooks of my being
and over time
I will be clean again
Like a lotus flower
Blooming out of mud
becoming the symbol of purity
I come from the mud
desire and hate
searching for the truth
grasping at shiny things
It turns out glass can cut you
Now I crane my neck
as we drive past trees
Staring up at the clouds as I walk
I run into something
and shift back into this reality
This reality that we focus on so much
Planning, speaking, worrying
like the sky wasn’t looking down on you all this time
like the cells of those plants were’t turning the sun into fuel
as you sat in anger over what was said to you
words spoken from the lips of another earthly being
coming from a mind that has not walked your path
I spent so much time wallowing in the mud
not knowing
the clouds were there the whole time