June Drabble Challenge
Write a tale in exactly 100 words. For this challenge, I'll use a thematic prompt, and the winner has to tie in to it somehow. THE PROMPT: write a drabble that somehow, someway connects to Pride Month or coming out. Get creative, just stick to 100 words of prose. I'll post the winner sometime in July.
i have a resume in evolution. i can give you a list of all the words and terms i've used to introduce myself. i stopped collecting my references a while ago because my relationships became interviews, especially my relationship with myself.
"how do you qualify for this position?"
every day. over and over again. measuring my insides like a ritual.
i'm proud to have the capacity to love anyone. to be able to see each human as they are without any prerequisites is my most beautiful quality.
my resume has become outdated, it couldn't fit all the love i feel.