June Drabble Challenge
Write a tale in exactly 100 words. For this challenge, I'll use a thematic prompt, and the winner has to tie in to it somehow. THE PROMPT: write a drabble that somehow, someway connects to Pride Month or coming out. Get creative, just stick to 100 words of prose. I'll post the winner sometime in July.
I failed because this isn’t exactly a story but screw it, it is 100 words and I am entering it anyway and shut up yes I was day drinking.
I live in the gayborhood. For pride month, they repainted the lines (There are rainbows painted at the intersections). It got me thinking. Should I repaint my lines? What lines do I cross, or not cross, that I should reevaluate? There is magic in renewal. Is there not? What if I cross lines I should stop crossing, and cross lines I should have been exploring why they even fucking exist in the first place? What if lines that were faded, could be repainted, and everyone would see something new? What if I saw something new? What if I saw you?