Fun with Forms #3: The Ottava Rima (level 1)
The OTTAVA RIMA (rhyme of eight) is an old Italian poetry form, dating back to the 13th century. The form is fairly simple, and consists of 8-line verses (or octaves). For this challenge, each line should be made of 8 syllables, with a verse rhyme scheme of: [a b a b a b c c]. (For the purists, you can use iambic tetrameter, but any 8 syllables will work). Create as many octaves as you wish. — Example here: — (Please tag me in the comments of your entry)
I simply am not there.
Sweet gossamer of socialites,
I've never felt so damn lonely.
A spectator, silent from sights,
Omniscient reality.
Mind out of bounds- six miles in height.
We laugh and share scam smiles of glee!
I talk yet why do I sound mute?
We are imposters in black suits.