Mole hills Into mountains
She slung her bag over her shoulder and took off down the the mountainside. When she looked back at her father she blushed. As his face was gleaming with pride.
As each stride took her farther and farther away I cried. Strangely some of the happiest and saddest tears every to run down my face. Of coarse these would soon dry. And I’d call everyday for a while. Just to briefly say hi.
Before quickly let her go explaining. I didn’t want to pry. A bold faced lie. That never fooled the young lady so sometimes she’d oblige me before I’d even tried.
Where two mountains meet she’d find a valley. That a river ran down to the coast. Somewhere out in Cali. There she’d board a sailboat. For a plane was to safe a way for her to get to Bali.
The only tips I had for her was to be wary but friendly. And don’t be tricked into buying any fake Australian Molly. The last time we talked I said I love you to her. And call me.
I didn’t call my mother for a month when I went. Said she was a wreck inside. I know now how much my actions were appalling. When she took two weeks to call me. Before I picked up the phone. I had to stop balling.
Every thing was fine. She’d been having a great time. I held it together long enough to seem excited for her. And thanked her for dropping a dime. A saying to antiquated for her to get? Hoping she‘d ask me to explain it to her. Keeping her lovely voice coming across the line.
Thank goodness she lets my nerves find a little reprieve. Letting me track her iPhone in case she ever gets into a bind. And of course she’s not traveling alone. She’s brought plenty of her friends along. Who like me would look under every stone. If she was gone too long.
So until I see her coming round the mountain. Climbing back up to her family home. I have be confident the head on her shoulders will keep her safe everywhere she wishes to roam.