Poetry: Describe a Suffocating Love
Describe a love that is either good or bad, but make it well known that one of the two or both of the parties feel suffocating at some point, whether to each other or to the reader to the point of annoyance. Bonus points if you can make them a couple that stays together regardless, it just ups the ante.
Inspiration Suffocation Expiration
Love that s(mothers) you--does so--by denying inspi(ration)
The sum less than the adding of the al(locations)
Which goes beyond ex(changing) put-on airs
Having no inspi(ration) to create--or pro(create)--theirs
A s(mothering) love causes only stale air ex(change)
To(get)(her) or not--it's false and e(strang)ed
Until you can('t) take it any(more), sur(render) to the fire
And give up on venting and s(imply) ex(pyre)