The What Ifs?
I am afraid of the unknown.
The what ifs.
They debilitate me.
When I was little my dad would take me outside to see the full moon in the dark.
And he would go "AH! What was that! Over in that thick cluster of bushes! Could it be a werewolf? I think you should go check it out."
I knew he was messing with me. He was always messing with me.
I was certain there was nothing there in the bushes. If anything a squirrel or maybe a turkey. (Although the turkeys are terrifying enough.)
But it was the what if? that caught me. The what if? that made me yell and go back inside.
It's now the what if I fails? What if I'm not doing the right thing?
What happens on each path?
I mentally turn down one and then what if it's the wrong road?
So my head comes back and I end up stuck.
I'm stuck.
What if the werewolves are real?