Picking Up The Pieces
I'd been back door bumming
For your love
Like a hyper, quivering beast...
With contention
I returned to the habits that secreted
Syncopation and peace
Worth having...
In a hopeless longing to descend;
Like the ragged remains of a drifter's husk
That had been repeatedly violated,
And discarded in an rush,
I took my leave in vain...
What seems fictional supersedes the actual
Intestinal tensions...
Coming in and out like some unmentioned disguised
Condition of distaste...
My stomach yearns a frequent pumping...
I chase
The lump inside your throat
Like tin cans
Down an artery of roads
To seize a frozen instant kiss...
What once was glanced in
By cunning eyes remains
So cruelly dismissed and roped off...
Sentenced to a dismal rain ...
A sanctuary for loose soul...
Over the side-lines
Of what's tame...
We crooned and crashed upon
Wet bridges...
Like windswept drift wood;
The wind had tossed away
Our tinkered placement...
Bunny Villaire