The Key
I believe the real key to this problem is to realize that it's no problem at all. Stop searching. Peace will come. Pleasure will come. They will both leave you in their own time as well. Because they are both part and parcel to human existence. As is suffering and happiness and despair and joy and anger and sorrow and love and forgiveness. When an emotion hits us, it's easy to feel as though "this feeling" will last forever. It will not. Nothing does. Acknowledge it, savor it even, if it's positive, but understand that all of these emotional states are ephemeral and fleeting. Based on momentary situational circumstances and brain chemistry. Acknowledge, but with the understanding that before long this feeling's opposite will be your companion. It's all temporary. In the end we die and we should count ourselves lucky to have been aware of any pleasure or peace. Or even pain for that matter. Stop searching and let them all come and go as they will.