Nothing Hurts
"Strip and raise your testicles, inmate!"
Stupid, spiteful, uneducated, and angry-at-their-own-lives "correction" officers, all of whom were either bullied as children or were bullies and still are. These paradigms of humanity are in charge of me now. Incarceration not for rehabilitation or even recompensense, but just for revenge — and nothing else. They hired the right people for it. The most accurate personification of "fucktards" ever to be: my bosses. My divine right authority figures.
"You're nothing here!" and the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging oaf is right. Who can I complain to? The head oaf? My senator?
Senator: "You should have thought about this when you were doing all your bad things."
Who can argue with that?
Should I keep a calendar? Too painful to check off days one by one.
Correction Officers all angrier than the people they think they're correcting.
"Here, eat this shit."
"What'd you say?"
"Nothing, sir."
Sir. Ha!
It'd be bad enough just to be sequestered from society. But to be ruled by these troglodytes and Neandertals. The TV isn't mine--it belongs to the shot-caller. The seat at the movie isn't mine--it belongs to the OG. The weights are off-limits except for the musclehead ingorati. Can't get a magazine that shows a nipple; or see a movie that shows a movie. But murder is OK entertainment for the likes of us. Nipples. They're on that forbidden list.
Dental floss? No, you might hang yourself.
Your own headphones? How's the Bush family gonna make money selling their crappy stock ones?
Computer? Are you out of your fucking mind? Who knows what you'll do with information? Use the 1973 encyclopedia in that library.
That what?
See the doctor. Now. ASAPly!
Doctor. Ha!
How many wake-ups till I'm out? Will I still be nothing when I get out? Will I have paid my debt to society? No! My debt to society will never be paid. Penal debt is like student debt.
Will I finally be able to let my testicles down?