Would you rather live an ugly truth or a beautiful lie?
Would you rather live the fact that the truth you're living in pierces your heart the most, or would you rather be better off with a beautiful lie - a lie that will keep you happy the most?
the truth is:
i could tell you that ignorance is bliss
but it isn’t.
the truth is: I’m covered in it.
the lies fall like loose-fitting fabrics
and the truth is black and blue.
but I don’t remember it.
my body keeps the memories my brain cannot
I bleed somewhere I cannot see
my skin wears scars not scabs
etched into my figure, permanently
the one in the mirror staring back at me
I recognize her only sometimes, in short bursts
in overalls with my favorite t-shirt underneath
but most days I gaze blankly at someone he calls “pretty”
sometimes “cute” and maybe “sexy”
all I see is emptiness, missing spaces, blurry
what I know is this: when he touches me
it’s not beautiful
it’s just a lie.
- beautiful lies lie on beautiful eyes lying on beauty