An Alphabet: All Alliteration
Hello all!
I am very curious to see every extraordinary example of alliteration about anything—all appearing after A, until we hit Z. If we get through all 26 letters, please feel free to begin again at A.
First writer begins with A, and if you'd like to continue please follow with B , C , D , E , and so on. You get the point.
While I cannot offer any monetary award, you will really recieve revered ratings (from me).
All are alliteratable!
Andy ate Anna’s Apples
Bob brought Billy’s burgers
Camilla can’t cook
Dawn does dance
Eat Eathan’s eggs
feed Faith four foxes
God’s grace gets greater
has Heather had her ham?
Inda invited Ina into illegal igloos
Just jump Joe!
keren kissed Kyle
Lauren loves Lucy’s long legs
Marvin made me move momentarily
Orpha ordered orenge onesies
Peter poked Piper’s pickled peppers
Quay quickly quoted: “Quinn’s quarter”!
Ruth rushed Rachel ruthlessly
Sam slepped soundly
Tracy’s torus told Tracy’s turtle to teach Tracy tough tricks
Una uses unorthorisd umbrellas
Will went walking with Wending without warning Wayne
Xanthe’s Xylophone
Yasmine, you’re yelling you yellow yet!
Zoe’s zany zoo