Season’s Murder
Write about a murder or other type of killing in a specific season: fall, winter, summer, or spring! Include this phrase “The pot was boiling over.” Good luck! I can’t wait to read them!
Behind the Dumpster
The pot was boiling over.
It was written on the ticket.
Order number given.
Everyone had added a little.
Death is best Seasoned
in dead of winter...
A dash of cardamon,
a touch of cinnamon,
a few chips of cedar.
All are welcome
at the Bazaar,
hurry and take
it in
from the street
Flurries and
the scurry of feet.
Shovel the paths.
Tis the season.
A cup of cider,
A box of sweet meat
Smoke in the distance.
Bells are ringing...!
Jostling in the lines.
The man in navy cardigan
The woman in wheels,
The empty soup kitchen.
The child, frost bitten.
Season's murder challenge @Obuck