To Whom it May Concern...
Write a letter to whom it may concern, but please begin with the line, "Dear Reader, I wish I could tell you that you're going to survive this."
Interpret this as you will - maybe it's a letter telling of the horrific circumstances the reader has found themselves in that the writer has experienced before them, or maybe a somber and dramatic letter of understanding concerning one's mental health. Whatever you can come up with!
To whom it will concern
Dear Reader,
I wish I could tell you that you are going to survive this, but I cannot.
Only you can discover that.
I know that it is hard right now. That you can see yourself "getting bad" again.
All I can tell you is stay close with your friends, do not push them away. They are your friends, they are not there because they "just feel bad for you."
Your a not a box to check on a list of "types of friends you need"
I cannot tell you you will survive this,
but if you tell yourself that, maybe you can.
I wish you happier days
-A person who wished they had been told this sooner.