souls see souls see souls
when a million moments
into a cosmic rainstorm: a soft
pitter patter
that means souls see souls see souls
so i won't choose a moment
when i've chosen them all:
woodland thrones, down to the water
and always off the path.
crushing berries between our fingers
and being sunlight, being riverflow.
short chair, tall chair,
a million ways to die and all of them
intangible under the shoplights.
watching flowers grow on
telephone boxes.
stillness in darkness.
blinking lights and its not so scary
when you're around;
autumn. and vinyl scratching
like fire against the dark.
fortune, or just us.
trees and shades and woodland creatures
spinning tales like silk across
our foreheads for everyone else
to read. a crescent moon, suspended.
lights, strangers, warm mugs.
cocooned in stories and sounds.
drinking in everything like
a last breath of air.
holding time between the palm of
our hands and stretching it -
and then we're spinning,
spinning in different directions.
okay. balance. a cosmic
pitter patter
of souls across space. suspended,
and still spinning.