Halloween Apocalypse (GoB #3)
*a sonnet ode, in iambic pentameter
All Hallow's Eve was when his reign began;
nefarious, his minions went to work.
While watching as they carried out his plan
The Apple King, with wicked glee did smirk.
Within each child's sack of tasty sweets
they placed a tainted apple on a stick,
in caramel, it looked like such a treat
they had no clue it hid an evil trick.
For everyone who took the smallest bite
would fall with haste under his firm control;
he bid them to wreak havoc with delight,
the world, in bloodshed, paid a heavy toll.
All Saint's Day then became a living hell,
as one by one they fell under his spell.
©2023 - dustygrein