October drabble challenge: OH, THE HORROR!
Spooky season celebration! Give me exactly 100 words of HORROR fiction. Please use standard punctuation, spelling, and grammar to craft a prose tale of exactly 100 words. Gimme something that reads like a scary story to send chills down my spine. I'll pick the winner and read all the entries somewhere near Nov 1.
The Body at the Bottom of the Stairs
And then particles rolling, gaps in sound. Gaps...missing teeth across long front stairs.
I knew even as I lay in bed calming my heart. Three bathrobes, a ski cap, wool slippers, sliding with the shadows to the front door, and turning the knob. Paint chips, like always, crackled to the floor as I peered out to the gold condensed Halloween morning.
Chunks of chimney.
I'd held the ladder countless times. Now my turn was up. Alone.
I mixed mortar.
Blocked wobbly legs.
"Hold," I said to the ghosts.
Then climbed, bowl-n-trowel in-hand teetering, over-40'up.
Afraid of heights.