all the liars we love (from the challenge 11/3)
Challenges are created for a variety of reasons. This one I had end on my dad's would be 90th birthday because he was a liar I chose to love.
I like to find new folks to follow- I sometimes am seeking an echo of something I want to see if exists somewhere and other times I am just silly and want to interact with folks.
I did not get to read as things went, I was 'saving them up' to read on the 3rd and work and time did not permit- so instead I had the opportunity to sit today and read all 31 entries. I am not sure exactly what I expected... but this was a beautiful few hours of experience in bravery, honestly, and just outright wonderful writing. Thank you for that.
Should you get the time, I suggest you get a cup of your favorite anything, your pet if you have one and read the entries from the challenge 'who is a person you chose to love' and see, if like I did, you find a piece of yourself in some of the entries and you learn something. If that is not something you have time for- I will leave you with this:
writers self proclaimed liars - the majority
writers loved a liar who abused them - less only by 1 than the majority
writers love a family member who is a liar - 3rd most common
writers simply see the world as a collection of liars - least number
Not one entry on the lies of the establishment, politics, institutions, religion, or media... and though I believe 3 not in any of the lists to just be story tellers of lies, for the most part all those who went to task felt a personal relationship to a liar; be it self or other. We seem to truly be less phased by 'the world' which offers up non-stop lies and which is a scapegoat of the masses when need be, than we are by (in one way or another) ourselves and those we wanted to love.
This was something I am not sure I expected, and I appreciated all who participated.