I had always been against relying on others for one's happiness.
I used to believe in being responsible for one's own.
And for a moment, I was.
But then life happened.
And it sucked.
And it showed me just how fleeting happiness really is.
I never fully trusted it since.
It's a dangerous thing to hold.
It's elusive. It deceives.
It doesn't stay.
It can be taken away.
One moment it was there, gone the next.
And it took pieces of me with it.
Fragments of my heart, fractions of my soul.
Until it seemed, all that's left are the villains in my head,
telling me that happiness was and never will be meant for me.
I used to believe I'd already given up on happiness.
Until you came.
With a love louder than all those villains on my head.
You call my name and I become soft,
Like flowers opening in spring.
You embrace me and I become warm.
Like I've stepped into a patch of sunlight.
Your laughter becomes mine.
And it is I who sparkle whenever you smile.