Run Away
I come back,
And you go away.
I know what I
Was running from,
But what scared you
Away from home?
Maybe you wanted
The freedom offered
By the open road,
Or maybe you just
Wanted a clear head
So you could come home
And forget me.
But something tells me
You've already forgotten
What it feels like
To hold me,
And to kiss me.
Something tells me
You've already forgotten
What it feels like
To love me,
And to miss me.
I don't know why you ran,
But I know that here I am,
Planning an escape,
A whole new adventure,
So that I can pretend
That I have forgotten, too.
I remember what you said,
About how broken-hearted
You were in 2014-
I wished then that I could
Have saved you from that pain.
I wish now that I could
Make you feel it all over.
It's wrong, I know,
To wish you could feel it, too.
Part of me wishes you could
Forget everything that hurts you,
Because you deserve all the best.
But mostly I wish
That you could remember,
And I could be the one
To forget what it means
To be hurting like this.