Picking the Present
I want the very best for everyone. I suppose in the end, on second thought, I want it for myself. Gift giving has inevitably something to do with the feeling one gets-- the anticipation of the receptive look, the special intonation, or significant gesture; and then that irreplaceable satisfaction of having favorably guessed.
That is the pleasure. Our pleasure.
If we are gift giving in mind set, we do not pick the occasion. It presents itself. Always. Walking along, I happen upon something, found or bought, and it is Self-evident. There is already a name tag on it. Ahh, this is ----!! Perfect! And already it is packaged, mentally, waiting on the shelf for the next opportune moment, waiting for that special Someone.
Timing is, as is said, critical. The present must never be a moment too late.
I accept the challenge of gift giving, and the responsibility it presents. It is a more subtle matter than it may objectively seem. I have over time understood that I want always to pick the Present-- the instant of gifting, before the exchange of artifact-- that blessed moment when I am thinking about Somebody other than myself.