Can I pretend
can I pretend my grandmother didn't die this week
can I pretend my dog is still alive
can I pretend didn't lose a friend I called sister
can I pretend I'm living the life of my dreams
can I pretend I'm okay
can I pretend I'm a guy
can I pretend I'm fine
can I pretend life is full of sunshine and rainbows
can I pretend my smiles are genuine and not fake
can I pretend I didn't tell anyone my secrets
can I pretend I'm okay
can I pretend that I can freely tell everyone how I feel
can I pretend that my family is nice
can I pretend that my sisters are nice to me
can I pretend I have a bunch of friends I can count on (I actually have four I can only count on its use to be five)
to answer all this YES I CAN and I have before!!