Just another step
Every new years, I make a list of resolutions.
I often wonder if my resolutions are too difficult.
Can I really run that time for a 5k?
Will I ever be able to gain that much weight?
Can I really fix my sleep schedule...?
Is it even possible to do something so new?
And should I really hit another full year of Duolingo (I've already done two...)?
But other times, I wonder if my resolutions are stupid.
Drink more water... well, duh.
Read that book? I'm going to do that anyways.
Clean the attic? Yeah, I'll just do that now.
It really is hard to find a good balance for a resolution.
But, then I'll look back at my resolution list from last year,
And I see all of my hopes, dreams, and plans,
Both beyond me and stupid.
And I see a pattern:
I somehow, miraculously, manage all the impossible tasks,
But I also miss all the little things.
That's... how it is every year.
You fly.
But you fly away.
And you can't go back.
So, I end up not worrying too much about my resolutions.
I know I'll make all the important ones.
And I know I'll grow.
I'll just cherish what I have on that new years night.
No going back.
And that's also why I've written this whole thing without looking back at what I've written.
No proofreading, no editing.
Not cause I'm lazy at all... deeeefinitely not.
I'm just very sleepy and likely sick.
So go ahead and laugh
Im laughing too
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