I'd make a list of words. 10-15 of them and they would have to be included in the storyline. Occasionally I would set the genre. Sometimes I would set the scene up. Maybe where I stopped in the middle of the sentence.. such as,
''Frank woke up from a dream. In a place he simply shouldn't have been dreaming in the first place. Frank opened his eyes and saw.... "
The word list would likely have preceded this scenario so that the author was already formulating what was about to come. Or maybe they would follow so that the author simply couldn't figure out how they could possibly fit them in. The words would have randomly been chosen from a dictionary with no rhyme or reason to why they were there except that they themselves chose to be chosen.
Or a good prompt that could look fun but difficult would allow an author to try and jot down a story of around 250-500 words in which you can not push a common alpha such as "E" throughout a story or stanza product.
(Decided to go back and remove the "e" from the piece and it was kind of hard to come up with words to make sense out of the challenge prompt.) Then realized there were more and had to remove them also. It's a horrible idea.. just forget it. LoL