I'd make a list of words. 10-15 of them and they would have to be included in the storyline. Occasionally I would set the genre. Sometimes I would set the scene up. Maybe where I stopped in the middle of the sentence.. such as,
''Frank woke up from a dream. In a place he simply shouldn't have been dreaming in the first place. Frank opened his eyes and saw.... "
The word list would likely have preceded this scenario so that the author was already formulating what was about to come. Or maybe they would follow so that the author simply couldn't figure out how they could possibly fit them in. The words would have randomly been chosen from a dictionary with no rhyme or reason to why they were there except that they themselves chose to be chosen.
Or a good prompt that could look fun but difficult would allow an author to try and jot down a story of around 250-500 words in which you can not push a common alpha such as "E" throughout a story or stanza product.
(Decided to go back and remove the "e" from the piece and it was kind of hard to come up with words to make sense out of the challenge prompt.) Then realized there were more and had to remove them also. It's a horrible idea.. just forget it. LoL
Challenge Set
Has always been the most fascinating Bible story in my opinion to actually deliberate on and think about, and in adaptation for movies is quite the entertaining and emotional story. And would make for a cool character backstory in a modern sense whether you're playing Joseph or one of the elder brothers, or the youngest Benjamin-- that had to have been a whole conversation in Egypt-- so I'm interested on seeing if I'm not alone in this. How could this particular story be modernized?
Think on the genre, look up a TV Tropes page it'll list all the tropes and conventions typical in such shows as Sailor Moon and the like if you're unfamiliar. In 500-750 words present a subversion or deconstruction of one trope. Make sure to include the trope name in entry.
I had posted a challenge where writers would take up the perspective of a child character who for one reason or another hates and/or mistrusts adults. Now what about when that character does become an adult themselves? Do they have kids now too?
The British series is what inspired this one. After three seasons the final two minutes sees the completion of a five year long mission to bring the adults back. Following this exact reality isn't required, the causing event can be whatever you can dream up and can be as dark or light as you want it to be. But the majority should briefly explore what happens when the world is "set back to normal."
"We can't go back to how it was."
Or so the kids do sincerely believe and with the best of intentions. And there may just be more of them then there are of parents and other authority figures. Population wise.
Courtroom scene.
Place your main character in a courtroom, doesn't matter if he's a witness juror or the accused and write the scene based on this. How does he react to being questioned, if he's the accused, will he be found guilty or not guilty? Did he offer any information to help with the case?
1.) Write a paragraph only using sentences that have the same starting letter. Each sentence can have a different letter. Ex. First sentence, t :The terrific teacher tolerated the talkative Terry Top to tell tea.
Second sentence, Ollie, owner of orange organization only obliged opinionating Ollie's organization.
But the sentences have to make sense together.
2.) Untitled______
3.) Unwanted______ (not my prompt)
4.) The R/radio
5.) Describe a duel but it can't have any swords or guns (not my prompt)
6.) Paralyzed (not my prompt)
7.) Unnecessary______
8.) She said what!
9.) Yesterday______
10.) Winner of a______
11.) To be continued
12.) ______wars
13. ) Off to...
14.) Morning
15.) The dentist
16.) Names that are homonyms
17.) More.....
18.) Numbers
19.) Letters
20.) Names that start with only considents
21.) Homonyms
22.) Last night
23.) Write a story without using words that don't start with e, y, a, o, I, n, r, h, l, w, and b.
24.) If we were trees