1.) Write a paragraph only using sentences that have the same starting letter. Each sentence can have a different letter. Ex. First sentence, t :The terrific teacher tolerated the talkative Terry Top to tell tea.
Second sentence, Ollie, owner of orange organization only obliged opinionating Ollie's organization.
But the sentences have to make sense together.
2.) Untitled______
3.) Unwanted______ (not my prompt)
4.) The R/radio
5.) Describe a duel but it can't have any swords or guns (not my prompt)
6.) Paralyzed (not my prompt)
7.) Unnecessary______
8.) She said what!
9.) Yesterday______
10.) Winner of a______
11.) To be continued
12.) ______wars
13. ) Off to...
14.) Morning
15.) The dentist
16.) Names that are homonyms
17.) More.....
18.) Numbers
19.) Letters
20.) Names that start with only considents
21.) Homonyms
22.) Last night
23.) Write a story without using words that don't start with e, y, a, o, I, n, r, h, l, w, and b.
24.) If we were trees