i visited an old friend the other weekend.
i met her dad at the door and he gave me a hug
but there was a sad look in his eyes. the kind of
look that tells you he can't believe how fast i've
grown up--how fast any of us have grown up.
he asks me how i'm doing and i give the polite response
"i'm good...how 'bout you?"
he hesitates for a moment as the sadness deepens,
pooling like puddles of rain in his eyes.
he tells me about his kids--the kids i grew up with.
he tells me how only one of his sons is interested
in getting married anytime soon. he asks me if i
have anyone and i nod. i do. he continues on to
tell me of his other son... he says he has some
i know what they are.
the wind whistles through the cracked screen door
and i shiver. life is cold and gray now...nothing
like what it once was.
i visited an old friend the other weekend.
but that's all it was...old.