Our Infiltration
...the Cult
was miniscule
7 battalions across
the great Continents
a mere fraction
compared to the
in the Cultures
of us---
and yet,
strong, conniving, and
irrationally determined---
to make the virgin sacrifice
the battle cry?
"there is Life! there is Life!"
as far as the eye
could see, and
heart could know
there was only One
for this destiny
across the galaxies...
and She must
go down,
upon the alter
of Man...
erst since Free'd,
the bite of knowledge
of Good and Evil
from our most Holy Tree
we have been
ill at peace...
we have met
our Enemy
and its desire for Death
not only for Itself...
but as the Ultimate,
and so, our legions
upon its bastions
have inflicted
through our evolutionary
bacterial and viral forces
an assortment of lesions
and we will, we will succeed,
one by one, to bring
it down...
to the very last
Infiltration Challenge @Prose