I woke up this morning in a strange set of mind.
The thunder's roar reminded me of line mines,
The car's backfire reminded me of gunshots,
The barbecue's fire reminded me of napalm,
And the sounds of night, so quiet and still,
Reminded me that death maybe just around the corner.
I woke up this morning in a strange set of mind.
You see when I woke up, it twenty years ago,
Remembering the politicians' lies,
Remembering all the good-byes,
Remembering the way a human body dies,
Remembering everything I thought I could deny.
Remembering everything, I even remembered to cry.
I woke up this morning, twenty years ago,
I thought about American apple pie,
I thought I was John Wayne and couldn't die.
I thought you could find some glory in war
And now I can only wonder why.
I woke up this morning in a strange set of mind.
I looked at my son and I didn't know why,
So many had fallen, so many had died.
I wanted to tell him there's no glory in war,
No need to fight for oil or gold,
No need to fight for anything but one's own soul.
I woke up this morning, twenty years ago,
I remembered freckled faced kids,
The young boys that would never become men.
The sounds of snipers, the smells of death.
I woke this morning and saw the scars in my soul
Memories that would always haunt me,
Nightmares that would never let me go.