I have come across a multitude of omens. They seem to be telling me that it is time to move on and get on to the things you're going to be proud of. They are asking me to take the leap of faith, get moving, be bold, and be a better me.
They seem to be screaming the words "potential" at me. They scream and tell me I am looting myself of all the potential. They seem to be telling me to make that journey, to move on, and change the path I'm on. They're telling me that the wind is about to change for good and it's up to me to spread my wings or keep them tied behind me. They tell me life is waiting to happen, all at once.
Opportunities are lined up for me. I am ready to challenge myself and look at new horizons. They are yelling at me to make life happen, dreams happen. They are begging me to put a halt to self-doubt and live my best life.
And you know what... I am going to do just that. I am going to fly. I'll fly.