“Time is money”
Time is money,
well, I've wasted alot of money.
Cause I write what I know,
and reap what I sow.
And it was alot of heartbreak,
and a lot of fear,
A lot of wasted hoping,
and a lot of wasted tears.
But I turn my cheek,
and I turn the page..
New hope and glint,
excited for a new day..
I wanna feel like a million bucks.
I wanna treasure every dime,
Have a skip in my step,
and healthy peace of mind.
Don't wanna scream but breath,
with all of my lungs,
and let it sink in,
a new day has begun.
Maybe I'll grumble,
Maybe I'll huff..
But even happy people think Mondays are rough.
Laugh whole bodily,
and love innocently,
and be grateful for who I am, cause I am enough.