We arrive unexpectedly
Kicking and screaming
Pushed roughly from that peaceful womb
Into the chaos that is world
And life
So much to do, see, feel, say!
We jump in, running fast
Stretch, catch and return
Shouting, laughing, crying
Loving -
Experiencing life,
Collecting joys and sorrows
By the armful.
The process will reverse
We leave the chaos of the world
Retreat into gentle, constant days:
Oatmeal for breakfast
Pudding at supper
Naps in the dappled shade.
Vision and hearing begin to diminish
Oh, the relief!
The cacophony of life, the dissonance of
8 billion souls
Finally muffled.
Time now
Is marked by slower hands.
We can revisit memories
Ponder goals achieved
Loves lost -and found.
And so we are pulled
Gently back into the quiet spaces.
At night we sleep with blankets
Tucked securely all around
Dreaming into eternity.