Heart Apart
Deep in my heart, a wedge does lie
I'm willing to throw a dart to hit it clean and fair
Instead, I breathe, breathe deeply and sigh
The cause of the wedge? is mine. Let's try!
Was it the afternoon I drove back from Galle?
Hail! Thunder and Lightning was quite a scare
A voice on the radio warning us to go with care.
The highway is dangerous to drive anywhere.
Wait! Is the wedge, my children? My poor mother, too
My husband, my in-laws? 'How do you do?'
A lost love, another life, what could have been?
It's bittersweet now, all that I have seen…
The wedge comes and goes.
Tears pour down my face,
I am thankful for god's grace.
To analyze the pain,
sitting in the car in the rain
One goes back in time,
breathes, the mind arace
To gratitude: of course, I'm grateful!
The wedge is lodged, embedded deep.
I long for the comfort of sleep
Not yet, not there. The exit is quite far.
Stay awake!
Don't fall asleep.
Keep breathing the wedge out,
however deep.
At last, the exit, I take the turn,
drive to the booth to stop.
Pay my toll, and on my way,
keep breathing the hardness away
SUddenly, I am aware that this feeling of a wedge
has disappeared, is not there?
was it the stress of the drive?
Maybe. Could be, should be, yes!
Driving is difficult
When one can barely see,
The car in front, the road, a tree.
The rain is ceasing, .breathing is easy
At last: Home. the dog runs to greet me.
Unpack my bag get on the mat.
Do a few yoga poses, here comes the cat!
5 kittens to feed, all are shivering.
My body feels better, no more dithering
I draw a bath then into bed,
take meds, then cover.
Dream of mayhem and accidents
oh what a shower!
I wake up to a new day.
Stretch and yawn.
The wedge has gone,
the sun shines bright.
Oh, how I love, love, love the light.