The universe is a fascinating thing, really. A winding double helix that wonders scientists and astronomers to this day. How was it created? Where is it heading? I am only young, but I think I have made a decent hypothesis, so please, correct me if I am wrong. The universe was created by Allah, from a single moleclar atom. It expanded, and is STILL expanding now. It grows evermore complex with every second, every minute, every hour. Where is it heading? Well, me and most likely many others have come up with the conclusion that our universe is reaching ultimate complexity, otherwise known as God. The speed of which we get there is based on good and evil. What is good and evil? Well, good is any act that bolsters, helps or speeds up the journey towards ultimate complexity. Such as love. If we love each other, we are stronger, we are many, speeding up the complexity as us as a species. Likewise, evil is any act that slows down our journey to ultimate complexity. Such as murder. If we killed each other, what would happen? All these millions of years of evolution will be swept away with time, as the human race, a mere speck of dust on the spectrum, is gone. That would be a mere pushback in the Universe's journey. So killing slows the journey down. But how can we decide if something is good or evil? Ask yourself this question. What would happen if everybody did the action? Would we prosper? Or plunge into darkness? Would the light, the beautiful language of God, be whisped away from our grasp? These are questions philosophers have been asking themselves for years, to find out how we came to exist. Thanks for readíng, hope you enjoyed, it was just something I had been thinking about.