Challenge Ended
What does worry feel like? Poetry or prose. Make it as honest, brutal, and painful as the truth.
Ended August 2, 2016 • 66 Entries • Created by misty
in the back of my head
a black little ball
maybe not a ball, but a mass
it grows
like a tumor
it's a thought
and it's a feeling
but it's also kind of empty
it has no substance and it has no meaning
but it is endless
i wish it could be eradicated
like some disease
but instead it grows
in my head
finally it is so big it ends up in my belly
it's funny, this thing
it's like a big bunch of emptiness
but you can't feel "empty"
empty isn't an emotion
but this thing is empty
and i can't stop feeling it
i don't know what it is
or why it's there
but it won't leave, and it never does
it touches me from my head to my toes
this big, black mass
i think i'm empty
but, still, somehow i'm full
it's funny
the way i'm full of nothing