Epics: A Bell Curve
From epigraph to epitaph
My epic is a pictograph
Graphically depicting an epithet
Of the e'pithiness I beget
Festooned within an epigram
Sums up who I really am
From my swaddled cradle to my toppled grave
Gravely gave my all — but then forgave
From my trumble in the womb
To the crumble of my tomb
Extrapolated my epithet
Of vignettes sinned without regret
My life proceeded Gaussian
All my motion speeded Brownian
Followed linear: beginning to middle — to end'd
Nosedove, sloped down, from the slope I began, ascended
Presumed regally alive or declared legally dead
My life, all planned and lived, was all in my head
Colliding with the others who happenstanced their ways
Into mine and breached my entranceways
I assumed a nom de plume
In life lived in the bedded room
Making creatures of epithelium
To seed the interstellar medium
I started in a bang, on-rushed
Doomed to fall into the epic crush
Episodes repeating in redundant splendors
And connect, ends to starts, to epicenters
Those from the ilk of my same cloth
Will follow on silk, my coattails, forth
But when all episodes are said and done
My epilogue will be — from one to none