All Because of a Few Degrees
All Because of a Few Degrees
I never saw this coming
Neither did the other 12 billion
Such is the life, or the end of a life
For everyone on this planet
The ice cover began melting
It actually began years ago
Now, I began to take notice
Now, I must make plans
No longer will I walk from pole to pole
No longer will my skates be of use
No longer will my house withstand the heat
Now, it all turns to liquid
Our shield versus the asteroids falters
Waves, what are waves?, crash upon us
I cannot swim, but I can learn
Many have no such options available
What of our atmosphere?
What will keep the methane in place?
Am I to suffocate or drown?
What a hideous new word, “drown”
Perhaps there is another
Place or person who can help
Perhaps there is a reason
For this plague foisted upon us
I see the drips of liquids soon to become vapor
That I only learned about from children’s stories
I wished I had paid more attention then
For that “Happily Ever After” promised during such reads
My name is Ruben
Remember me if you can
My world is dying
All because of a few degrees