Monthy Poetry Challenge for March.
Write a poem about a cleansing by fire, by any means: Beautiful, dirty, gritty, dark, fluffy... make it yours. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Set it alight.
Burn at Stake
The flame they light
'tis of devilish intent.
A member of heaven
or Satan's earthly society
The flames know all to well
Around you they engulf
touch you,
Burn you not
Neither Saint nor sinner
You suffer the worst
Physically unharmed but
mentally unwind
Each lick
At dusk they begin to see
You alive- not well
But breathing
A witch!
They cry
declare to the night
The rest of days
you suffer
Cleansed of humanity
In the eyes
that claim
your satanic intent
yet they are of a hellish pac(k/t)