Approaching the sacred without fear of death
I sought to offer you the way to transform
Just as buds became flowers in that garden
To shed the skin of ignorance in favor of light
View the world through eyes of the divine
Provide illumination of the mind and rebirth
This new vision would require your rebirth
But it would also mean facing the death
Of things you loved and thought divine
Such death would be how you transform
And look with new eyes to see the light
The truth which hid beyond the garden
A womb safe and fruitful was the garden
The place of the first birth and rebirth
Shielded from the curse of blinding light
To keep eternal and know not of death
Never having want or need to transform
This was the promise of the worldly divine
Promises were also the secrets of the divine
Secrets that were not whispered in the garden
The secret was the ability to know, to transform
That you have the command of your own rebirth
And you could understand the urgency of death
Be warmed rather than blinded by this light
You were cheated, told to fear that light
Fed a frightful, outrageous lie by the divine
Told that to know truth would mean death
Everything you want is already in the garden
Stay in darkness and you will not need rebirth
Ignore why it is you have a desire to transform
I let you fulfill that desire to transform
Feel the warm weight of the knowing light
The stunning enlightenment of your rebirth
Have knowledge that it is you who are divine
You who is the womb and life of the garden
The one with power to create life out of death
You could transform into the supreme divine
See the light that filled the world outside the garden
Understand that rebirth is the same as death