She Likes a Boy
Retrace the notes, the melody so pure
Of a song that speaks to something more
It's not just lyrics, a catchy refrain
But a feeling that lingers, again and again
She Likes a Boy, the name of the song
A tune that I've held close for so long
For in it, I find pieces of my own
And it helps me embrace what I've always known
See, I was born a girl, but I've never felt right
In this body, this shell, it's a constant fight
To be seen as who I truly am
To break free from society's defined jam
The lyrics speak of a girl who likes boys
But for me, it's more than just noise
It's a reminder that I'm not alone
In this struggle, to have my true self shown
The beat of the drums, the strum of the strings
They guide me through life's turbulent swings
And when I hear this song, I feel so seen
Like someone understands what I've always dreamed
It may seem small, just a two minute track
But the impact it has, is something I can't lack
It solidifies my experience, my truth
And helps me navigate a world so uncouth
So when I listen to She Likes a Boy
I feel a sense of joy
For in it, I find a reflection of me
And it helps me be who I want to be
This song, this album, this concert of life
Has shaped my character, through all its strife
And as I retrace the moments it's been there
I know that I'm not just a mere player
So I'll continue to listen, to sing along
To She Likes a Boy, my anthem, my song
For in its accompaniment, I find solace and joy
And I'll forever cherish this musical decoy.