Song for the Chapter: Yet, Maverick City Music
Everything was moving in a fast blur, and Violet was not sure she had worked so much in her entire life.
Sure, she had been raised as a Princess, but, she had been trained to like the mundane.
But this was on a different level. Ginevra's fiancé was coming for a visit, and, "Presto" (Quick) was the theme for the evening.
Even the guards were hard at work. Queen Guilia wanted everything bright and sparkling—with meals enough to feed a century.
She, of course, was to take part in all the preparations. But, her back ached from all the efforts they had put in to get everything to perfezione (perfection).
She could not wait till the day was over and curl up under her warm covers.
But, as everything was as ready as it could possibly be, she noticed a slight change in Clarice's gait. She had noticed her moving slower than usual earlier that day and it seemed to have magnified.
She had questioned her severally to find out if she was okay. The woman was tough, but, she was not invincible.
"Violet, dear..." she noted the weakness in her voice. "I think I have to take a break after all this is over. Can you serve il Principi (the Prince) for me when he arrives? I fear I can only go this far."
Violet almost groaned. The housework and meal preparations had been quite an ordeal. And she did not mind helping Clarice. But, she found herself loathing another encounter with Mr Icy.
At this moment, I think I would rather face a firing squad. Why doesn't a household this large have more people to serve?
Remember Whom you actually serve, an Inner Voice gently reminded her.
So, despite the weariness and lack of confidence in facing Vincenzo, she mustered the brightest smile she could afford.
"Sure, I will take over from here. Rest up, Clarice."
After all, she was doing it all for her HEAVENLY FATHER.
Vincenzo always found the squabbles between the King Makers a nuisance.
Sure, he was a part of the board of the seven highest in rank, but, having to put up with younger protégés was a task he never relished.
He was especially wary of one young protégé, Giuseppe.
And it was not only his quickly growing influence that troubled him, but, that part of Vincenzo that had once seen the LIGHT felt vexed within his soul whenever he was around him.
He was charismatic and a pretty good charmer, yet, he could not fool him. Most of the elite seven were fond of him.
But, something about this fellow Italian made him feel a shiver up his spine whenever he saw him feign humility and sincerity—traits Vincenzo knew he did not possess.
"And, I think we need to step in to stop the crisis at hand. This plan of peace is my humble suggestion to end all the violence we are experiencing," Giuseppe concluded.
Vincenzo noticed most of the others nod in agreement, except one other—Aquilina, who was still standing in for her brother, and a King Maker on her own by right and heritage.
"Why don't we take some time to think this through? Many nations will not be eager to enter into this agreement of peace. Let's see how it all plays out," Aquilina said, bringing the meeting to a close.
Vincenzo noticed a flash of irritation in Giuseppe's countenance before he quickly masked it with his ever-so-overly perfect smile.
Sighing, a disgruntled Vincenzo sat at his desk in his quarters, glancing through some files. He had quickly refreshed himself after the rather arduous and irritating meeting.
He glanced at his watch.
He would soon be served and get to have some rest. His thoughts were thus preoccupied that he didn't realise a faint knock on the door or the person that walked in after hearing no response.
"Principi Vincenzo?"
To say Vincenzo was not startled by the person who stood before him, a tray in hand—again—was like saying the Great Wall of China is not long.
"Clarice is sick and requested I deliver your meal today, Principi."
"Oh DIO (GOD)," he groaned within and it finally hit him. How long had it been since he called on the Infinite One?
A battle wages within his soul. A longing to call on HIM once more. But, will that part which has long resisted give in?
He looks at the young girl before him. He looks into her eyes and realises—she could see the battle in his soul.
Fun fact: Italian is one of my favourite languages. Though, I did not learn it as much.
But, phew, how nice and challenging it will be to write in it.
So sorry for the long wait. Kindly let me know your thoughts on this chapter.
Where do you think this is headed?
And, what do you think of Giuseppe? (Now that name is a challenge in itself.
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