What is it? Does it exist at all?
The entirety of our existence
is suspended in the definition
of our perspective.
Even the boundaries
can change,
have the possibility to rearrange,
dependent upon each individual claim
on the limitations of
impossible things.
He sees nothing
and it is zero, nil, an irretrievable loss,
an empty void of useless space.
She sees nothing
as a promise of grace,
of hope, creation, redemption,
and change.
They both see emptiness
but it's what they choose to do with that space.
These words are only
an ignorant human expression,
for I cannot purport to know
the solidity of fact,
of Absolute Truth,
to say otherwise is a fallacy,
self evident in the arrogance.
is what we have been granted
to work with,
this is what our Free Will is.